Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Reality Bites

Well, I have had to come to realize that I hate my job. I was trying really hard to find all the good in it for so long, like the people, and being someone other than Mommy, but I have to be honest.... I just plain hate it. I was almost promoted out of it too, which I thinks makes doing the job even harder, but the promotion was "taken back" because hiring a new person to take my current position was denied. It is really too bad that this is true too. It was the only "good" thing, besides Munchi, happening in my life right now. This too shall pass, this too shall pass.

If any of your know of a position for someone with great project skills, who can only be in the office 6 hours a day but is willing to work at night from home, please let me know.


ami said...

Wow, sorry to hear about that. Hopefully things will change for the better soon!

Kiki said...
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