Sunday, September 28, 2008


So, winter has come early in our household. Munchi has strep throat! Poor little guy woke up this morning with a fever of 102, which spiked up to 103.5 this afternoon. I took him to the walk in, patted myself in the back for telling Dirk I thought he had strep and finding out I was right, and got him started on an antibiotic. He is already doing better tonight, even though he still has a fever. He is at least laughing again. This afternoon he laid on our laps and slept for about two hours all together, and would barely hold up his head. It was sad. Hurray for modern medicine, and ESPECIALLY Tylenol.

On another note, I have not been blogging about my weight loss, becuase it has actually been weight gain..... I am thinking of going back to WW this week. I just wish I had someone to go with. I am so much better at it when I go team up with someone. But I just can't make excuses anymore. I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Munchi and Dirk

I am sitting in the office right now, trying to update Munchi and my wishlists on Amazon (my Mom has been hounding me about Christmas already). Munchi and Dirk are eating lunch. And all I can hear is Munchi screaming, "Peeeeeeeeeeeeek! Booooo!" and then cracking himself up. It is seriously adorable. I can hear Dirk laughing too, and then screams of "tickle!" and fits of laughter after. I do not know how much eating is being done, but who cares! Munchi loves his Dad, and I love hearing them love being with each other.

Seriously, I tried to write all the words that Munchi knows down the other day. I got to 75 when I had to stop because I could have just kept going. And he adds 2 or 3 more every day. Today it is "garage" and his longest sentence so far "trash truck outside Elliott go see". I am in awe of my child!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

When does it end?

So I am watching Peanut again today. All has gone well, so far. However, when I watched him on Tuesday, Munchi decided a nap was not needed, and kept yelling for Peanut to come play with him in his crib. I finally had to take Munchi into the living room, so Peanut could get some restful sleep. Which meant Munchi did not fall asleep until 1:30, on my lap watching the Backyardagans, two hours after I had originally laid him down. Well, we are doing it all over again today. He is talking, talking, talking in his crib, calling for Peanut, banging his feet on the wall. Anything to not have to go to sleep. Of course, when Dirk watched him yesterday, he went right to sleep..... But Peanut was not here. I am going to try and ignore it today and hope he goes to sleep soon. Peanut seems to sleep through must of it, so I am going to try and not stress about it. My biggest fear is Munchi being so loud he wakes up Peanut early, so Munchi nevers goes to sleep and I have two cranky toddlers on my hands the rest of the afternoon. Fingers crossed this does not happen.

On a happier note, I lost another 2.5 pounds this week! Was not as disiplined as I should have been, but made some portion control changes I can be proud of, which obviously worked. And I walked three times. This week my goal is to eat all 5 portions of fruits and vegatables every day before I allow myself any other kind of snack. I am hoping this will cut back on my cracker consumption. I also plan to keep up the three days of walking. Wish me luck!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Bees and Kitchens should not mix

Today was an interesting day. I was watching Peanut today, as well as Munchi. We had a snack around 10:45, and I put them in the living room to play while I cleaned up after them (the mess they make when they eat is surprising). While I am at the sink I hear this loud buzzing by the oven. I turn around and there is a bee! My heart stopped a little, but I got out our electric fly swatter and electrocuted the heck out of it. Only to find two more in its place. While killing those, another one showed up and I realized I had a real issue on my hands. I could not tell where they were coming from but I began to imagine the hive right outside, and hundreds of them in line to get in. I ran out into the living room, called my husband and scooped up the kids. I locked us up in Munchi's room while I talked to Dirk. Dirk called his dad and had him come over to help me asses the situation. While waiting for Papa, I tried to put the boys down for their nap, but they could tell something was up, probably because of the panic on my face. 45 minutes later, I finally get the boys to sleep, and go back out to my kitchen, where there are now 14 more bees (yes, I counted them). And luckily, right then, Papa showed up. Together we killed the bees that were there (some by cutting them in half with a knife! Papa is brave and ruthless). Once they were all dead, no more were coming in, so we figured the hundreds in the hive waiting to storm the house had been called off. As far as we could tell, they were just scouts looking for a new home. We did discover that they had come in through the vent over our oven. I can pretty much guarantee that I am going to be jumping every time I hear anything buzz in my house for the next few months. When Dirk got home, he went on the roof to check out the vent and make sure no other bees were hiding up there and did not find anything. I am keeping my fingers crossed that those bees learned a lesson and there friends won't be coming back to avenge their death (we should have left one alive to send back to the hive with a warning!)

Anyway, here is a blurry picture of the dead ones I could find. The first three I had already thrown in the trash, one went down the garbage disposal, and a couple drowned in the dishwater I had in the sink. Whew, what a day.

And here is some pictures of the boys having fun, oblivious to the craziness in the other room (yes, Munchi has no clothes on..... He is obsessed with dressing and undressing himself right now):

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Well, I lost two pounds this week. I must admit, I limited myself too much at the start of the week, and ended up eating too much at the end. My goal this week is slow and steady, trying to make each day similar in food choices and satisfaction, to prevent the feeling of being deprived or starved. Hopefully this week will be even more successful on the scale because of it.

I promise, before picture are coming. I need my husband to be home for more than 5 minutes so he can take the pictures!

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