Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I have been tagged

The rules:
1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog. (My tagger was carebear - http://adayinthelifeofavillageidiot.blogspot.com/)
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog - some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.

The facts about me are these:
1. I have always dreamed of writing a book, and have several versions started in journals, on the computer, and in my head.
2. I lived in Puerto Rico for four years as a child, which I loved. I can still understand most spoken Spanish, but wouldn't dare to speak it (my accent is horrible)!
3. I have hated raw tomatos forever, ever since my Gramps held me down and forced one into my mouth. (he thought everyone should enjoy the tomatoes he had grown).
4. I still have a grandparent alive. He is turning 96 this November, has a girlfriend, drives, stays out past midnight, and will forever be my hero.
5. I am scared to death of spiders. Before I had my son, I had panic attacks everytime I was near one, and would freeze in place, completely unable to move. The miracle of parenthood has cured it for the most part, as I would rather die of a spider bite, than let one near my son.
6. I lived in Florida for six months after college in retirement town called Niceville. There was nothing nice about it, or the jerk I lived with, and I soon returned home.
7. I will forever be in love with Johnny Depp.

I now tag the only two other bloggers I know :

Friday, October 10, 2008

Here is one of the cutest pictures of Munchi EVER!

Weight Loss

You may or may not notice that my weight loss ticker now shows me needing to loose more weight than before, and that I am down 5 pounds. Last week I started Weight Watchers again. The depressing part was having gained more weight before I started. But the good news I lost 5.2 pounds my first week. This week was not easy and I still thought about giving up, but I am telling myself that I have to go to every meeting for the next two months to hold myself accountable. I am hoping by doing this I can make it a habit again, and actually start loosing some real weight, AND KEEP IT OFF THIS TIME!

I would like to feel good in my skin again by next summer. That is not loosing all my weight, but being back to a more comfortable and active size, and feeling successful in my journey!

If I can do this, and Dirk can find a job, there might just be a chance we would have another baby..... Don't hold your breath though.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


So, my mom bought Munchi these two videos on clearance from Target she thought he might enjoy. One was all about construction vehicles, and the other all about vehicles used in the city (i.e. trash trucks, fire engines, street sweepers, etc.) We do not usually put on videos for Munchi (not because we don't watch TV but because we are lazy. No model parenting going on here). But my mom was pretty excited about them, so we let him watch them at her house when she bought them..... Seriously, the excitement never ends. My kid is ADDICTED to the trash truck video. He asks for it all day ("TV watch trash truck." "See trash truck now") We have been letting him watch it once a day (occasionally twice), which just fuels the fire. I heard him talking about trash truck in his sleep last night. This is how bad it has gotten. And the worst part is the video shows trash and more trash and then even more trash. It follows the trash truck to the transfer station, where they dump it and squish it and the compress it to move it into a big rig. Then they show the big rig take it to the dump. And we get the pleasure of watching the big rig dump its load (which literally looks like it is shitting trash). It even shows the sea gulls eating the trash. Every time we watch it, I am inclined to cover my nose, because I keep expecting the hideous smell.. And my favorite parts are them talking about the things they do to cut down the smell. I HIGHLY doubt these things make a big enough difference that I would not throw up in my mouth if I was there. But Munchi loves it, and I love him, so I endure.

When I no longer can handle trash truck, we watch the video about the construction site. Before trash truck came along, in fact, construction vehicles were all the rage in our home. He has four Tonka Truck books he carries EVERYWHERE with him. They are not small books either. And he insists on carrying all four at one time. He tantrums if he cannot have them with him at dinner time, or bed time. Another serious addiction. So, to fuel this fire, my mom decides we should take him down to see all the construction vehicles currently working at her church, building their new school. So yesterday, that is where we took him. I cannot begin to tell you the size of the smile on my child's face. He even got to sit in a front loader and pretend to drive it. BEST DAY EVER! (and not just for him! I think I was more excited than he was, seeing his little face light up.) Here are some pictures:

Notice the VERY big smile... This is when we first arrived.

He just kept saying, "wow!"
Future career??

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