Friday, October 10, 2008

Weight Loss

You may or may not notice that my weight loss ticker now shows me needing to loose more weight than before, and that I am down 5 pounds. Last week I started Weight Watchers again. The depressing part was having gained more weight before I started. But the good news I lost 5.2 pounds my first week. This week was not easy and I still thought about giving up, but I am telling myself that I have to go to every meeting for the next two months to hold myself accountable. I am hoping by doing this I can make it a habit again, and actually start loosing some real weight, AND KEEP IT OFF THIS TIME!

I would like to feel good in my skin again by next summer. That is not loosing all my weight, but being back to a more comfortable and active size, and feeling successful in my journey!

If I can do this, and Dirk can find a job, there might just be a chance we would have another baby..... Don't hold your breath though.


Dawn said...

Good for you! I know that going back to WW is a big step to take. Great job on losing 5.2 pounds!! I've been gaining steadily and need to do something about it soon. You inspire me :) Saw your car at your parents house today, but was in a hurry and couldn't stop by. Lets get together soon!

Melissa said...

I am so proud of you for going back to WW on your own! I am totally behind you and will support you 100% on your journey! Maybe someday I will be ready to follow you!


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