Saturday, March 14, 2009

Locks of Love

So, I finally did it! I cut off almost 12 inches of my hair, so I can donate it to Locks of Love. I LOVE not having so much hair and I think I look so much better now too. Maybe this will inspire me to change some other aspects of my body.


Carebear said...


ami said...

OMG! Where are the stinkin' pictures of your new hairdo? I can't wait to see!

Kiki said...

Sorry folks, won't be any pictures. No matter how much I love the new look, I will always hate how I look in a picture! Have to see me in person soon instead :)

Dawn said...

OMG!!! Wish I would have read this sooner! I would have stopped by to see you on Sunday. Well, guess I'll just have to wait and see on Wednesday :)


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