Friday, August 28, 2009

Funny Story

So I know it has been forever since I blogged, so I may be telling this to myself but Munchi did the funniest thing last night. He currently had tonsilitis, so he is not feeling very good and not sleeping very good. Many of you know, this is also my first week of being a single mom now, so I have been home alone at night to be up with him and then dragging myself out of bed to go to work each morning. Sorry, I digress. Last night Munchi was dreaming, and something scared him, so about 4:30 in the morning I wake up to him screaming, "I NEED MY MOMMY!!" Since I just got to bed at 2:30 from the last wake up moment, I have to admit, I went in his room lacking sympathy. I tried to put his aquarium on and leave but he just started crying more, so I got him up and sat him on my lap for a while, where he decided to tell me ALL about his dream, FOR A HALF AN HOUR. He just could not stop saying, "Member when the car crashed?", "Member how I got scared?" (this is all stuff that happened in his dream), so I am trying to tell him it is only a dream, and he corrects me by saying, "No Mommy, it is not a dream. It was on the TV in my crib. It scared me but it turned off when I opened my eyes." 4:30 in the morning and I am laughing and hugging my kid, being thankful I got to be the parent with him when he had this revelation. They are not dreams, he is watching TV in his head!


Dawn said...

OMG - that is GREAT!!!! He is the cutest kid!!!

ami said...

I can totally relate to that - sorry to hear he's not feeling well, though! Glad to see you blogging a bit so I can see what you've been up to!


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