Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Munchi's Check-Up

Munchi had his 18 month check up today. He weighs 22.5 pounds and is 32 inches. Though he is definitely on the small side, he is not getting any lower on the growth chart scale, so the doctor said she is not concerned about his weight. That is bad news for Munchi because all the games we have been playing to just get some food in him are now going to stop. No more bribing him to eat his food, eating lunch in the living room while he plays, etc. I think it is going to be a tough lesson to learn, since he is not that into food, so he is not that motivated to eat it. I know it is going to be tough for me too, because I still feel like my job as a parent is to keep him well fed and growing. I just need to realize he is old enough now to keep himself well fed, and my job is just to offer him a healthy selection of foods to choose from. And ultimately, he will grow. I think he is going to end up being on the shorter side, which I never thought would happen since Dirk and I are so big, but the short genes on Dirk's side of the family may have been passed on down. Oh well, you can't fight genetics. Otherwise, the doctor thinks he is doing amazing. She can't believe he is putting two words together and doing somersaults. These are things she would usually ask about at the two year appointment so she was glad to hear he is doing them now. And the best news of all, no more shots until he is 5 years old!!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

That's great! You're right, he'll eat when he's hungry. No more shots til he's 5??? We get them every year when we go.


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