Thursday, September 11, 2008

When does it end?

So I am watching Peanut again today. All has gone well, so far. However, when I watched him on Tuesday, Munchi decided a nap was not needed, and kept yelling for Peanut to come play with him in his crib. I finally had to take Munchi into the living room, so Peanut could get some restful sleep. Which meant Munchi did not fall asleep until 1:30, on my lap watching the Backyardagans, two hours after I had originally laid him down. Well, we are doing it all over again today. He is talking, talking, talking in his crib, calling for Peanut, banging his feet on the wall. Anything to not have to go to sleep. Of course, when Dirk watched him yesterday, he went right to sleep..... But Peanut was not here. I am going to try and ignore it today and hope he goes to sleep soon. Peanut seems to sleep through must of it, so I am going to try and not stress about it. My biggest fear is Munchi being so loud he wakes up Peanut early, so Munchi nevers goes to sleep and I have two cranky toddlers on my hands the rest of the afternoon. Fingers crossed this does not happen.

On a happier note, I lost another 2.5 pounds this week! Was not as disiplined as I should have been, but made some portion control changes I can be proud of, which obviously worked. And I walked three times. This week my goal is to eat all 5 portions of fruits and vegatables every day before I allow myself any other kind of snack. I am hoping this will cut back on my cracker consumption. I also plan to keep up the three days of walking. Wish me luck!


Dawn said...

You're doing great!!!!

Carebear said...

Congrats on the loss!! Can't wait to you see you all today!


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