Monday, December 22, 2008

Cancer Scare

We found out on Thursday that my mom has uterus cancer. All we know as of now is that they believe it is stage 1, and that she will need a hysterectomy. She is meeting with the surgeon tomorrow to discuss the procedure, to determine what she thinks the outcome might be, and to decide on a surgery date. For my mom's mental health, we are hoping for the surgery to be very soon.

Seriously, this has taken me by surprise. Not necessarily the cancer, but how scared I am. I have had many issues with my mom over the years, and always assumed once I had kids we would only grow further apart, as I did not want my kids around the toxins I grew up with. But she is an amazing grandmother, and has been working hard to learn how to respect me as a parent, and understand my boundaries. Munchi thinks the world of her, and so the last two years have really brought us together. And I have come to realize with all her emotional baggage, she is still the glue that holds our family together. She makes the holiday feasts, happily hosts MANY playdates throughout the year where the cousins can come together, and the parents can get a little bit of a break and not have to cook for one night! She is generous to a fault with her time and with her money. She is the only reason my dad knows anything going on with us or the grandkids. I really do not know how I would function as a parent without her now. She gives me help and support I never expected and I would miss her so much if she was not here. I know that the outlook is extremely optimistic, and that after the surgery this whole thing should be behind us. But it has made me only appreciate my mom even more, and to realize how much I need to tell her that more often. And it has finally allowed to to forgive everything in the past and to love her just as she is. Because the alternative of just not having her is just too devastating.
For those of you out there who pray, please keep her and our family in your prayers.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

I heard about this from my mom and I'm so sorry. Your blog is so heartfelt, it brought tears to my eyes. I know exactly how you feel! My thoughts go out to you and your family - I love you guys!! xoxo


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