Friday, April 17, 2009

I hope someone reads this

I really hope someone out there is still reading my blog. I need help. Dirk's birthday is on Thursday. WHAT DO I GET HIM????


ami said...

How about you wrapped in a bow?

Or...maybe a day at the spa? Don't you and him like to go to Hot Springs (or whatever it's called)? That would be nice for both of you. I could help out with watching Munchi if needed!

Melissa said...

I think that is a really good idea that ami gave you about the spa - Glen Ivy is a really nice date/day! about taking him to the Melting Pot for a fondue date?

Dawn said...

Or... if money is an issue, how about a quiet night at home, nice dinner, movie, all that romantic stuff :) I'd be happy to babysit!

Kiki said...

Thanks everyone for the suggestions! I got my mom to babysit next weekend and we are having a nice relaxing day together at Glen Ivy Spa (thank you Ami). And on his actual birthday I made him a special dinner and had some couch time watching his favorite shows (thank you Dawn). Overall, I think he is having a good birthday.


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