Friday, January 2, 2009

And so it begins

2009 has been officially kicked off with my first day on the South Beach diet. Don't have any comments yet, except that I am hitting Costco this afternoon, as my house is not stocked for a carb free life. You will also notice that the weight loss tracker is back on my blog, but this time it is only set on 40 pounds. My goal is to loose 40 pounds this year, with hopes of doing more. I will not be weighing in the next two weeks, as I want to start the diet just focused on the health benefits, and not worrying what the scale has to say.

Here's to a new, healthy me by 2010!


Melissa said...

Here is to a healthier us! I am so proud of you and your commitment to a heathlier you! I will be right here with you on the journey to support you anyway I can!

Sherry Gordon said...

Here, here! Back at it myself after a brief interlude...i know how much better i feel when I am doing the right things, its all about continuing that trend as a permanent change. Here's to you (and us) making personal commitments and feeling better!


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