Friday, January 16, 2009

The diet and exercise plan update

Well, I have made it through the first two weeks of my diet and exercise plan. Not as smoothly as I hoped but I think I did well.

I walked at least 4 times a week, if not more (I forgot to track), and I followed the South Beach diet religiously until yesterday. I made the mistake of weighing myself after the first week (which I told myself I would not do), and then became FRUSTRATED when I did not loose through out week two, but started gaining! Of course, week two is notoriously the week your body freaks out and holds on for dear life because it thinks it is going into starvation mode, but mentally that did not matter to me. I should have waited like I told myself to do and weighed in this morning for the first time. Anyway, over the last two weeks I lost 9.5 pounds, and I think that is something to be proud of.

This week I am going to start adjusting what I am eating, as I am now allowed more carbs. I actually think that South Beach is a little too strict on the carb thing, since it even restricts fruit consumption, so I am going to tweak it a little. I will be weighing in once a week from now on. I also think I am going to take my measurements and update those once a month, since exercise will be changing my body even if the weight is not coming off like I would like. I will post measurements and a before picture soon.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Way to go!!! Keep up the GREAT work!


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