Tuesday, July 1, 2008


My grandpa came home from the hospital on Saturday evening, having only spent one night there. We were lucky.... He had a minor stroke, and has loss minimal functioning in his right hand. A physical therapist is going to be going to his house a few times to help him with exercises that might help strengthen it over time, as well as work with him on walking properly with his cane and ensuring the house is a safe environment to prevent him from falling. I am so thankful to still have him around, and that his quality of life was not diminished in any way.

Otherwise, we are surviving around here. I hate the heat, and am already begging for winter. Dirk and I have started our weight loss competion, and while he is currently beating me, I have a plan for kicking his ass soon. I have already lost 6 pounds in the last two weeks (Dirk lost 7). As I had suspected, I was denied medical coverage based on my wieght. But to make matters worse, Munchi's and Dirk's rates went up from the original estimate by 3 times, because of previous medical history (Munchi's low birth rate and Dirk's recent surgery), making it more expensive than COBRA. So we are sticking with $1300 a month for now.

An old boss of mine called me about a position at his company, that he could pretty much guarantee me.... And I am considering it, even though Dirk would prefer I didn't. I know he is wanting to start his own business, but we have not had a steady income for three months, and our reserves are getting quite small, especially with medical coverage and mortgage equaling more than 3k a month. While I am not loving the idea of going back to work, I am loving the idea of steady income, and benefits. But I know that means Dirk would stay home with Munchi and be the one watching Munchi's friend Peanut Butter in August. I think that is going to be a hard sell. So, lots of praying is happening in my house right now, as I try to figure out what is ultimately best for us.

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