Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hit the limit

Of all the days Munchi decides not to sleep more than 45 minutes. I actually allowed myself to lay down for a good solid nap today, since I have not slept more than 4 hours at night in the last three weeks, and he gets up only twenty minutes after I fall asleep.... Why does it work that way?
Sleepy in Sleeplessland


Carebear said...

Poor Kiki, DDT decided to wake up at 3:30, 5:00, and then 6:30. I ignored him after the 6:30 wake up and he went back to sleep till 8. Something is in the water....

Kiki said...

I am currently ignoring Munchi hoping he will sleep a little more this afternoon. Sounds like DDT is practicing for the pacifier intervention.

Carebear said...

Had a night out for Panda's bday and new babysitter watched him. She said he was an angel. Hmmmm, should I believe her? Oh and he apparently kept giving her "the look" while he was eating. I like this babysitter thing!

Kiki said...

Wow, a babysitter! We should try that sometime. I hope Panda had a wonderful birthday!
Munchi learned to scream "NOOOO" yesterday. I am so proud! NOT.

Carebear said...

Oh my, please tell Munchi to keep that word to himself when he is around DDT....



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