Sunday, June 8, 2008

Weekend fun

We had some friends over last night that do not have kids yet. That means, they were actually able to stay past 7 o'clock! I cannot remember the last time we had people over who could hang out after kids bedtime, and play games and chat. It was really nice. But of course, I am exhausted today because I was up past my bedtime. So I took a nap today. While for most , that sounds wonderful, but I am a bad napper. I wake up cranky. I can't shake the tired feeling. And I usually have a headache. Thank goodness for my husband, who is playing with Munchi while I sit and blog.

Speaking of thanking God, we went to church this morning. We went two weeks ago also, which was the first time in a VERY long time. I enjoyed this new church, and it felt good to be worshipping again, but I had the worst time leaving Munchi in their nursery. And today he cried hysterically when we left, even though he had paci and blankie. I am totally the sucker mom I used to make fun of when I volunteered in the nursery in high school. The second he starts crying, I run back in and comfort him. I know, I know. It just makes it worse, because he starts crying again when I leave and just perpetuates the issue, but I can't help myself. He is so shy in new situations and I feel bad not having the time to help him acclimate before I just leave. He did fine once I left though, especially since someone held him the whole time while he sat with paci and blankie. What an adorable little Munchi!

So, here is what I got from church today, which really has nothing to do with the sermon, but it was something I felt while I was there. For the rest of the year I am going to focus on the following three "L's" -
-Love of my life

Love of my life -
Dirk (husband) and I have struggled in our marriage since the first day. We are dedicated, and we love each other, so we always make things work, and we always want the best. We just have a hard time connecting the way we should. My friend Carebear made me realize something. She talks of her husband in such an amazing way, where I can tell he is the love of her life, and she feels blessed by him. It is not like everything is always perfect, just that there is such a positiveness about her love for him. All my friends love our husbands, but I think we get caught up in using each other to vent our frustrations, and we build an us and them wall.... But Carebear, she talks like there is a partnership and respect that I really appreciate. And I want that. So I have decided to purposely change the way I think and talk about Dirk. To do these things like he is the love of my life, as it should be. Thank you Carebear for being such an inspiration.

Laziness -
Speaks for itself, I think. My couch has a permenant imprint of my ass on it. And things that should be getting done around our house don't get done. And my weight skyrockets everyday (more on that in a moment).

Lola -
Lola was my best friend. We have known each other for 13 years. We have gone through a lot together. But the last three years have been really rough, and everything came to a head lately. More details on that at another time, but I am going to try and figure out what I want from our relationship, and if there is anything there worth saving.

Well, last blog I promised to focus on the many things in life that I love, so here is my quick list, not necessarily in order:
1. God
2. Dirk
3. Munchi
4. My cat, Gary
5. This amazing 79 degree weather we have been having
6. My brother, sister-in-law, and nieces
7. My parents
8. Ben and Jerry's Coffee Heathbar Crunch ice cream
9. Survivor
10. Scrapbooking.
11. My 95 year old granpa

Gotta go, Dirk is hounding me for the computer.

1 comment:

Carebear said...

Seriously, I have tears in my eyes! Just remember we all go through the same struggles in life, it is just how we handle them. I am so glad that we have reconnected and remember, I am here if you ever need to "chat" (ie. cry, laugh, scream, etc).


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