Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Top Chef Spoiler

If you have Tivo'd the Top Chef finale and not watched it, do not read any further.

Woohoo!! Go Stephanie! While I would have rather seen Antonia win, I think Stephanie deserves to be the first female Top Chef. And how dare they let me think that Lisa could win! She deserves nothing! I felt for Richard though. He was the strongest contest throughout the entire show, but choked at the end. While I am happy to see a women win this season, I wouldn't have minded seeing Richard take it all.

Well, now Top Chef and Survivor are over for the season. What to do this summer?

1 comment:

Carebear said...

I luckily took your warning and did not read the blog further. I watched the finale finally! I am glad that Stephanie won and Lisa just kept pissing me off. The look on her face made me want to punch her. Ughhhh.


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